Monday, November 12, 2007

Toe Fuck


Why is everyone blogging about the demonstration last saturday?? It's LAST SATURDAY!!! So don't talk about it already! it's history!! Mel is gonna migrate if BN doesn't win the election... I think I am too... :)

YAH!! And I wore yellow today!! Too bad no road block today... It's last saturday, so no point crying over it or talking about it or or comment about how stupid/smart on what they did. I don't know what happen cause I haven't been reading the newspaper for the past.... 1, 2, 3, one year... BAH!!

And I don't care about politics... There's enough politics in myself... Now my split personality is taking charge!! I don't know who I am now wtf!! hahahahhahaa


Hahah since now this layout enables bigger title.. I shall post something so eye catching people visit my blog will know I'm mustard queen

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This is call a shoe

shoe [shoo] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, plural shoes, (especially British Dialect) shoon; verb, shod or shoed, shod or shoed or shod·den, shoe·ing. –noun external covering for the human foot, usually of leather and consisting of a more or less stiff or heavy sole and a lighter upper part ending a short distance above, at, or below the ankle.

Edit: Rubber and plastic and metallic canvas. -___-

This Shoe, is from topshop and I got it off at 50% discount..


All the girls will say...

Fucking toe fuck wearing it ok!!

Like fuck your toes kao kao, when you take off that external rubber thingy covering the human foot, no more toes, human feet... No longer call human feet.

become toeless... -___-

My toes died and the skin around it peeled...

Want a toe fuck??

Go topshop today and grab yourself a pair of these in the normal size you wear in Vincci. -___-

But after a few wears, I'm very sure my toes won't e fucked so painfully anymore... This is only the 2nd time wearing it...

Toe fuck, your one stop human feet covering pain brought to you by topshop.

what sorta caption is this!!!!!!!111oneone

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