For your information: *fly kiss* is now my trademark emoticon shit, like if I love the thing I'm doing or whatever it is, I'll just include a *fly kiss* after the sentence, to show my love for it...
You'd be surprise by the amount of blogs I stalk each day, so beware if I found you using my *fly kiss* you're dead. MUAHAHAHAHA WORLD DOMINATION!!! *fly kiss*
For example: I just bought my pink skinnies!! *fly kiss*
So erm, do you know I'm in MONASH now? Yeah you do right??
So here's part of my life in Monash University Sunway campus wtf
I went for the One Life exhibition that day sponsored by World Vision... And I must say whoever who created that concept thingy, must have sibeh geng conceptual skills wtf (I take management *fly kiss* ) I am so compassionate sometimes I awe myself... O.O GAHHH!! I actually volunteered to do voluntary work.. Good karma baby.. =)
Cause it is good!!
Steps to visit the exhibition...
You thought open you can go whatever whenever whoever you like??
Follow instructions!!
First. Line up
Second. The volunteers will give you instructions like put your bag in the box and you'll be given headphones. YES!! this is so so cool right?? Headphone and you walk through one of the 3 paths of 3 different children's life, who are now sponsored by World Vision.
Third. Sit inside one of the room and listen to whatever that lady say about the child's background and story and her conditions and all...(through headphones of course)
Fourth. When the lady say "you may step into the curtain" then you go in. I made a mistake and I stepped into the curtain like 5 minutes before cause she talk damn 7 a lot I have to step in... Sien ma wtf
Fifth. walk through and see the conditions, quite claustrophobic I must say cause the pathways are rather small and skimpy wtf... WTF like pathway to Nirvana only -__- AND ONLY WALK THROUGH THE CURTAIN WHEN SHE SAYS SO!!! Cause i didn't until I reach the last room ladida
Sixth. You will have to get your HIV results... OMGOMG KAN JIONG!!! It's damn cool cause you put your hands on the table, and the doctor (which is a volunteer) who dressed up damn SOHAI (according to sueshan la) will chop your hand with your results... :) (not chop as in parang chop lar... STAMP CHOP la dey)
Sue Shan is HIV POSITIVE!!!
And it's so so cool cause, when he chop, like in a split second the lady will say,
"Congratulations you're HIV Negative... You're so lucky that you're not infected with HIV, and look around you, see those with HIV positive they are not as lucky as you they have to stay there to checkup and blablablablablabl..."
Then you'll have a space where you write words of encouragement to the patients...T____T
Don't you think people should join more of these things?? And you'll get hold of your life and stop pushing yourself to drugs and whatever shit??? like like SMOKING urghhhhh I hate hate hate it...
Sue Shan's finger so miang I must miang a bit more wtf
Opposite attractions wtf... +ve and -ve hahaha
So *fly kiss* back to my pink skinny jeans... My very 2nd pair of err... Coloured skinny jeans.. No, denim is not a colour... Grey is... xD My very first pair is red...
And and this is a must buy cause I remembered the last time I tried it was like RM 139 and size 9 damn small, and now it's like size 7 fitting i shrunk omg and like cheaper omg must buy right?? Now I have to survive on jagung again T___T
What lar I know you're size 1 la shut up...
Sohai pictures
Alhamdulillah wtf why I so shameless post man wtf... -___-
I have really big potential stepping into the Yoga industry wtf this is the improvised Mountain pose wtf
Oh skinny skinny
Eh my leg look damn thin and long here hor?? Like endless saja!! Ignore my bulging tummy like preggers T___T
HAHAHAHAH why my sisters so sohai one like bride got hanged by a sash wtf and another one like aged gymnast hahaha
I'm emo-ing whether to buy or not to buy the skinnies.... Like calculating how many jagung I can consume a day to keep myself alive T____T But afterall, still can survive lar... T____T
All sohai pictures credit to man man the aged gymnast. One Life one all by me.. Hoehoehoehoehoe
BYE~~~*fly kiss*
Don't expect any updates till maybe this weekend??
I'M GOING FOR THE PAJAMA PARTY!!! =) *fly kiss* I think I better DIY some heart shape card board on my hand so when I pose like I wanna blow something the heart will just pop out wtf... like *fly kiss*
Off to my genius plan...
I know you're so sick of it you don't love me anymore la, but me love you long time lar *fly kiss fly kiss*
I have gone siao...
9 comments: calculating how many jagung I can consume a day to keep myself alive
ROFL!! hahahahahaha super good caption for that pic -_-
shasha: hahaha I totally didn't see that coming ok... My sis took the pic while I was busy emo-ing... :P
LOVE THE PINK SKINNIES *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* *fly kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss*
kim: YOU HAVE GONE SIAO!! with the red hair and the fly kiss wtf hahahahahaa
aihhhhhhhh niceeeeeeeee!
eh my bf also in monash :D
gwen: EH!! which class what name and who?? ur bf lar i mean hahaha... I GOT MINE FROM FOREVER 21!! :)
er, i dono what class also -______-"
marvin <33
gwen: hahah ok fine, I dunno -__- maybe i stalk his pictures in ur blog then i go say HI i know ur gf wtf xD
hahaha. okaaaaay.
he's doing chemical engineering lah if that helps.
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