For all you know since I announced to the world I'm all photoshopped and I am fucking lazy to do stupid fucking pictorial thingy to teach you how I look fabulous...
Guess what??
I hired xiaxue to do a tutorial for me instead...
Joking lar as if lar wtf
yah, I do the exat same thing as what she did... Muahahahahhaha except for the eyes part, I didn't know the bloat tool till today *evil grin* so Now I got new tool hahaha I always use liquify to make my eyes bigger... And another tactic apparently is to scale your eyeballs hahahaha WTF!!! Ok baiiiii
end of edited update (short one)
larlarlar why lar I sound so emo everywhere and anywhere.. -__-
By the way I cut my hair

OK lar I didn't
I wanna cut my hair...
GIMME opinions, I know i look like a fucking mushroom but what the heck!!
Imma dye it bold...
Was thinking jet black (Grandma help me dye can ar save money mar... ) with dusk pinkish plum purple patch on the entire crown.. T___T I saw someone with ice blonde instead and damn cool!! T___T
I think this =======> COLOUR
Somewhere between these 2 colours or mixed together I've always wanted this colour since my sis was in Form 5 I saw it in the salon she straightened her hair for 7 hours and I've been touching the sample colour streak for the entire time cause too pretty *fly kisses*

Something like that...
Yay or Nay??
It'll cost me damn cheap lar cause I'm El CHeapo!!! xD
Please please I need opinions don't lar runaway from me please... T____T
Remember I love you lar... Sorry pictures are all photoshopped because I've got no guts to cut it and post... Just a rough image of what I'll look like if I did that... =)
Maybe with other colours also, I'd love parrot green but I think my mommma will flip... T____T
Oh I'm so shy *blush* I look so sibeh pretty *fly kiss*
P/S: Sorry lar the pictures damn blur kao kao what to do I not pro ma, and I use paintbrush to colour my hair more puffy and I erased my body and add new one so it's so blur... HAHAHAHAAHA why am I so champion ar?? T___T
Eh, teeny, the hair actually looks not bad! <333 When you described it verbally, sounded quite menakutkan la, what mushroom la puffy la silver and gray la... But it is really a refreshing change! :) And haha, I remember the purple fake hair!! It was with me right! :D :D :D
I think u look fresher in the first picture...
Im not sure bout the purple one...Kinda weird I must say
RIM: hahaha YALAH!!!! i was practically molesting that pile of fake sample hair there -__- Kepong there ma... Yalah I want something like that a bit mushroom wtf hahahah have to blow everyday
charmaine: heys, yeah I think I'm ok with the haircut, but the dye, erm, It's not what I want it to look like, just a rough idea of one big patch of plum purple colour somewhere on my hair... :P:P
Go for it. Something different. My only concern is how long the colour will last. My chili red highlights are blonde after a month. Damn lala already and I'm to lazy to highlight my hair again.
- ____ -
cheryl: YAH!! I'm worried bout that too... =/ hopefully it's cheaper to retouch it lar then at least I can have it for a month or two with purple highlights or something then change it... :P I want something different heehee
cut yes.
dye. er. NO.
cut no dye no
u look nice like that
Ohh... Then u might as well go and have a try...Ater all if uyou don't experience all those different hairstyle now, there's no other time to do it..
CUT! you look great with short hair. Dye it jet black will do! hehe. =)
Kim: But I'm more keen to DYE then to cut, actually BOTH!! I'll seek for professional help... I wanna DYE MY hAIR!!!
Anonymous: But but I want a change.. haha I will definitely do something to my hair... And maybe if I really don't like it, gimme a coupla months I'll be back hahaha
Charmaine: Yeah I must at least experience something different when I'm young right... I don't wanna get blonde or green highlights when I'm 40 years old yuck.. :P
Rika: hahaha BLACK!! no lar, if I highlight my hair I don't like just dye it back to black lar... xD
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