Sunday, August 17, 2008

Remix Junkyard!!

Update: I am dying my hair now, period. At home la, DIY cause I'm cheap like that... Burgundy, we'll see how it'll turn out in another 20 minutes time =D

Update 2: Hair colour done. If there is one thing that I love about dying my hair?

1. it covers ugly colour and regrowth
2. It smoothens my badly damaged bleached hair no thanks to the previous previous green dye job T_T Cause the dye covers the bleached hair and it's so smooth now
3. You feel so pro cause I dye it so nicely it looks so professionally done no one will know I did it myself *shifty eyes* Readers don't pop my bubble la ;p
4. Cause you have the stupid after dye treatment shit, your hair is so smooth and silky and SHINY you feel PRO =D
5. It smells PRO and GOOD!! Like salon blown only =3

end of long update about hair dyes... But the con is that it causes cancer kuakuakuakua~~~~

OOH it's my 2nd time there and and and, I dunno most half of the people T___T hahaha OH WELL who is me right right hahaha ;p

Anyway this is the ONE and only picture I took today at the junkyard sales HAHAAHAHA =p And it's not even my outfit cause I didn't manage to get a picture and I can't be bothered to. Manny snap one but gotta grab pichaa from her =3

People must be thinking wtf is that chik chak sound from the toilet =p But damn cute, confirm NO ONE will barge into your toilet when you're doing business cause they have 6 freaking locksss!! Or more ahahaha WTF damn random T__T Varies from long short, modern and old school wtf -_____- this is prolly the BEST damn toilet i've ever been I've never felt so safe in my life =3 I dunno to laugh or cry la T_T hahahaha


This time I manage to get em ALL brand new =D Yeay me!!!!! And tea&sympathy was there... Naomi was sporting some great collars and i love her necklace bag shirt pants T____T i wanna curi her outfit T_____T

EEEE mushroom clutch from T&S so cute I wanna die =D got heart button =3=3=3

High waist short I can BARELY fit in, must diet again T__T

I realise I got the same pair as Manny the elder but hers in RED!!??? Right rmbr?? =D Can fit la but damn tight and have to keep sucking in, and thank goodness buttons didn't pop out :P But err, I haven't eaten at that point of time so...

Most expensive buy of the day jengjengjeng... With those frilly frilly trimmings made into a bow! and the strap! and the hemline! =D

See... Apparently the girl designed and made it herself... Talented people need support from the not so talented ones, so i was like fuck it, buy!! =D

High waisted poofy skirt... It looked so tiny when i took it up, but the seller mention it's free size, and the material was RATHER stretchy i repeat rather only. And went home and try... ME LOVE~~~~<3

You people suck you didn't wanna support me is it??? Lips bag not cute meh!!??

Green is currently reserved to one of my lovely lovely reader (Woman ur so funny haha ur kaki joke omg T_T ) And mustard yellow still available... :D:D:D

Mail me at smilin_ting (at) (have to put bracket at cause Ive been receiving lotsa spam mails from UK Lottery board wtf I should be trillionaire liao and can afford to buy down US and kill bushy george wtf)


pj said...

omg i hv the exact same kitschy flat wallet... but my button is star :( not heart <3
swap with u..

tell me, tell me... tell me, is it cheaper??? i got fr their boutique.

mustardqueen said...

haha no la... not any cheaper -__- but then... I'm like sorta friend with her she give me 10% discount... ;p maybe u also got la when u purchase it hehee

k said...

hair dye doesnt cause cancer don't curse touch wood wtf.

cb i am so jealous cause you go shopping so often and buy many many fab stuff.