I feel so useless and hopeless and penniless and whateverless la I feel damn guilty right now I spent the last 2 days doing NOTHING except for err, installing MYOB CD and besides that muching on Mamee monster I think imma die soon T______T
Imma feel one hella bad when I'm on holidays and then I'll come back crying like shit or feeling guilty as hell... DAMN, that's what you sacrifice for a nice long awaited holiday no? =(
NO there ain't any hints today this is just a filler post cause I NEED to finish 2 assignments, ok fine one... But yeah I gotta finish up as much as possible before I fly!! T___T And another one due this friday
Just when you thought marketing is boring and yawn... Guess what I found while looking for materials to write???
MUACK MUACK why can they have it in a size 12!! or or a UK 10!! =D I might be able to fit I'm optimistic like that =D
=3 I love the colour haihhh.... And it's silk ruffles fluff skirt reminds me of layer cake but better =3
My future swimsuit for Fak Yiu wtf =D He/She will learn to be the next Maksim or Jay Chou or Richard Claiderman (yalah i used to idolise him cause I used to love playing piano and thought one day I could make it big in the world but blogging makes me bigger wtf)
Shit did I just say this is another suit for Fak Yiu???
After all these (wah like a lot but only got 4) cute stuff show, this is actually...
Topshop's baby collection T______T
I want a baby T_T And they name it MINI!!! After the Petite and Tall (meh not in Malaysia for panjang people like me -_-) line now they have mini.... T____T please make a giant line and scrip off the petite line so some sour people like IAMSOSKINNY have no clothes to wear thank you AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh yah by the way I was suppose to do assignment but then I chose topshop la cause it's easier cause I love clothes and I cannot afford their clothes I'm so poor and they have a lot of segmenting shit so I choose topshop thank you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... So poor my bloody-butchered-feet poor! Then another post, you buy like RM 9824841457198718 worth of clothes, shoes, handbags and accessories.
>=( *green with envy*
Eh? Gah!! Sh*t!! My sister signed to Blogger & I didn't realize it!! The first comment was actually me!! =(
OH I know that lipstick-print skirt! I just saw it last week and was so tempted to buy it but reminded myself that I had almost spent all my money that day hahah :P
I want that zig zag bangle at Jezmine's . T_________T I was emailing her while refreshing then u already reserved it!!!! T_____T Changed to bubbles n after sms-ed her, it's grabbed too!!!
why lah I am so slow one.....
zig zag bangle~~~~~~~~
ashleigh-anne wtf: hahahaa thats why la I need money to buy 938472374137176 clothes jewelry and other shit which is why I say I'm poor haha =PPP dun green with envy la it's not a good life to lead I swear T__T
y: T_____T that skirt is so damn cute!! they make it in adult's size is it cause this is their MINI line -_- i'm no where close to the term MINI =((( Haih so nice la UK shopping damn good cause all the good stuff goes there first T_T
shirleylynn: hahaha the zig zag bangle damn cute right!! reminds me of comic explosion wtf hahaha my friend saw it and told me updated so I faster check then I sms her lor =PP thats why I'm so efficient hehe
*Big wet eyes* Zig zag bangle~~~~
I am still moaning over it loh.....
Sigh...it's indeed DAMN cute!
dear...cannot la scrip off the petite line..wat happen to people like me(short obviously) to find clothes in topshop..btw, u look pretty in ur prev post..havent got the chance to comment. =)
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