Thursday, June 10, 2010

These wonders that come after the rain

RAINBOWS!!!! Nothing is happier than seeing rainbows right smack in front of your window after a miserable heavy rain. Cold and windy, but shivering thighs were all worth it for a few happy shots.

And nothing beats ***TWO*** rainbows in the skies. :) Not sure why, maybe Melbourne is a more blessed place god likes to spend a little more time on (N'Sync song wtf)! :P

I tried looking for the end of the rainbow but fail because the uni building was blocking =( And the other end was blocked by a forest FML.







Look close enough you'll see the second rainbow above the prominent one. Pretty.

And I came up with this "quote" wtf. It's call rainbow because first comes rain then comes the bow (cause of the shape of how it bends and bows are pretty no? The latter is just an implied definition of rainbows being pretty *love*)

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