"this is real this is good *insert unknown lyrics* But most of all most of all..."
Yeap yeap the song is Build to last by Melee....
*fly kiss*
Yeay... I got ***2*** new purikura addition to my current collection!!! HOHOHO~~~
I lost my very first collection sometime in Form 4... I was so so so so sad, cause I SWEAR I spent a fortune on those shits... it's so fucking addictive you go on and on snapping not knowing your wallet is running empty!!!
New collection Spring/Summer '08 wtfwtf

Like I don't understand all of e words written there... I remember I added this lump of shit onto one of the picture... DAMN COOL RIGHT??? The actually have SHIT literally, those like Mcdonald's ice-cream cone kinda shit wtf...

I dunno... You can act cute ALLL you want using these machines...
And because Bishin (the machine we usually use) is under service something... We were using this new one, and so so noob, mana tau we have to do the design on the other side... We wasted helluva time...
And this machine is so so stupid, they will play different videos in the options screen... And it's more like dancing and they have music with rhythm, and the music is so fast, hip-hop dance wtf. I was so stressed how to pose, some of my poses are retarded hahahahaha xD
And by the time we get there, we have 10 pictures to design, and we're left with 90 seconds... MAJOR!!!!
Siao lor... -__-
And decide to spend another fortune and take again -___-
And this time, have to go to another side(the side we waited damn long and it's the other side wtf) Why la they make so many sides... Just to put on cute designs and shit... -_____-

I love love love purikuras... <3
Like you look so skinny in the pictures... Even in the preview screen before you snap, arms skinny check, legs damn long check, flawless skin check (but cannot see rosy cheeks *blush*) Eye turn bigger check
Hahahahha my grey contacts became VIOLET instead... In the real film of course...
Purikura (Poo-ree-koo-raa) wtf: Neoprints!!! =)
And I heart Kong Yoke Yin lar... I found the song and whatever it meant right, Imma use it in our friendship/relationship wtf. Cause I love her so much we are best friends slash husband and wife slash err... SM partners shhhhh
And this year marks our 7th years of friendship...
Like damn fated together lor both of us.... I was in the same room as her during our Kuching Sarawak trip in Primary 6, and roommates...
And she was the first ever person (friend la, and that time she was still stranger sleeping under the same roof wtf) saw me CRYING!!! T_____T
I was homesick back then.... T___T
And and when we went to Secondary school, it's like... OMG I know her... ^.^
And she confessed to me... "I saw you crying"
shyness omg... T___T
Ok lar I love you Kong Yoke Yin... My soulmate/husband/bestie!!!
Ok I know I haven't been updating much recently cause I am tooooooooooooooo busy with assignments...
And soon, the computers will be sent off for some MAY-JUH repair sessions... -__-
And how am I going to do my assignments??
Go back to uni lar!! Where else.. T____T Sien place I hate hate HATE that place...
you and my friend can get along very well. both also purikura pics sigh sigh sigh T-T
ahahah... WHICH FRIEND??? =D I love lar purikuras.. like I only look fabulous in those pics... and the soft effect shit hahahaha LONG LIVE PURIKURAS!!! I should ask my dad to get me a machine for my bday!! omg that'd be SO SO COOL!! =D
I can translate for you! :D
The 3rd pic (where you both doing the Ultraman pose) says
「運命的」(unmeiteki) which means something like "fateful" or "fated"
on the same pic Love②ナンバー1 is basically 「Love②Number one」. "Number one" means "the best" la :D
And then in the 6 pic, it says
「ラビュ」(Rabiu) which is "Love you" :D
And the 8th pic (last pic) says 「大切なのは愛と愛されること」(Taisetsu na no wa ai to aisareru koto) which means "What is important is love, and to be loved". So deep wan haha
btw sorry, I stalked you from lj, always see your shopping posts :D
mona: OMG!! You're so erm.. how'd u say it?? YOU KNOW JApANESE??? hahaha sorry it's all love love stuffs cause we chose the settings to the Rabiu one hahahaha =) Erm kinda broke now so no shopping posts lar... T___T teehee, thanks for the translation, I feel so enlightened hahah :P:P
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