I wanna know what is the title of this song it goes something like
" this is real, this is good... ****insert lyrics i can't remember****, MOST OF ALL, MOST OF ALL..."
What song is this?? I love love love this song... T____T And the starting of this song is some piano playing piece which is damn nice!!!
TELL ME!! Listen to Hitz maybe... Ok I'll go search for the chart thingy later and maybe I'll do miracle... HOHOHOHO
Behind the scenes... Oh how everyone love Behind the scenes shots...
Here is the secret to be Kate Moss's best friend

Wrapper Girl is my middle name... So here goes Hoe Wrapper Girl Hui mustardqueen Ting. In short, call me Hoe wtf

It is now... Blonder... I think the dye is starting to like run off, cause I can already see the blonde streaks I got from bleaching!! T____T And it looks like MOSS colour here T___T Apa sudah jadi??
Means next months allowance will go to purple highlights wey

They say my hair look like WIG... -_____-
Ok, fine I admit, my hair colour does look like those el cheapo wig they sell in Sg Wang T___T
But I can't seem to pull it out how??

Why am I so fucking obsessed with my hair???
Cause it's my first time spending Rm 210 on hair dye and cut shits...
I am sibeh cheapskate... And I've never really went through hair treatment before cause my mom is damn kiam sap as well... T__T
For all you know... I am actually rather, I mean very... BIG HEADED (literally)

26 inches ya'll!!
I want my waist to be as small as my head wtf...
Screw you la 20 inches stick... -_-
Ok lar, I can't find anything to blog and update about because BUSY has taken over my first name instead...
BUSY Hoe Wrapper Girl Hui mustardqueen Ting wtf... Busy Hoe in short lar... xD
I slept at 3 cause I procrastinated to do my assignment.... padan muka~~~
And I hogged the computer the entire day and my sisters were all whining and shit cause I spent the entire time using the computer -__-
I know you miss me.. =)
And sorry lar too busy can't update... But I'm having break next week!! *HALLELUJAH*
kate moss is that chuuu?
wtf. nice what your hair! i like the colour, it's different.
let's do afro next time!
eh what let's?? you're already having mini afro ok!!
MY ULTIMATE DREAM IS TO HAVE AFRO!!! my mom offered to buy me an afor wig once omg I'm so tempted!! huhu~~
hey hey hey hey....did u miss me?! hahahaha... i can help u with the title of dat song. all i need knw is if its the one dat sounds like "da ta lah da da da ta la la la so so me so"...wtf! hahaha..cheers.
emma: I FOUND THE SONG!!! hahah melee, build to last... =) hhahaha EH did u recently made some mtv shoot thingy cos i think i saw u on someone's blog!!
wat?! whos blog?!
Melee - Built to last
you're welcome :)
emma: nah it's ok... i think i got the wrong person cos he's nigerian as well and his name is emmanuel as well!! haha coincidence eh :P
anonymous: Yeap!! I google-ed it last night!! =) Thanks ya!! xD
ok but pls i wanna see!
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