I'm gonna talk about Malaysian Dream Girls... Yet again... |=)
*yawn yawn*
Can't people just let them be??
But why should I let them be when we can do something so fun??? By judging the girls ala America's Next Top Model Cycle 10 style?? Watch it now it's so fabulous!!
Introducing the judges...
Elaine Daly as Tyra Banks the judge

Sazzy Falak as Tyra "Bangs" cause she had bangs in the show and she's the host of the show!! So she's part of Tyra as well.

Jimmy Lim as Ms J. Alexander with the sticky names jacket

Kenny Sia as Nigel Barker *cough cough* Stunning bone structures... -__-

"Previously on Malaysian Dream Girls, Jean was having troubles coping between her studies as a pharmacology student and battling in the competition, and decided to step out of it. And Alison, the girl with the scarf over her neck was voted out of the competition with the least vote amongst the girls, and was sent home.
9 girls remain, who will be eliminated tonight?", Sazzy said in the background.
*plays hotel lobby song aka Malaysian Dream Girls theme song*
Please watch juicy parts here cause Imma fast forward the show to the judging panel part.
Dream Mail!!!!
"Tomorrow you will meet with the judges. Only 8 will continue on in the hopes of becoming Malaysian Dream Girl."
*All sad and sorrow... Getting prepped up... Hair dryer boosting in the air, spray all over... OOps, someone dropped their blusher on the floor... *bad chi bad chi**
Flash Elaine Daly in Precinct 2 pictures. Looking fierce and angry, all wrapped up in cotton and boots wtf.
Elaine: Hello girls!!! First of all ya'll know the prizes... The first Malaysian Dreamgirl will drive away a Nissan Latio 1.8Ti (A), a RM10,000 preloaded AmBank NexG PrePaid MasterCard, a RM3,000 Wella Professionals hamper, RM1,000 of Escada fragrances, RM1,000 of Bebe apparel, RM500 of Nose footwear, an exclusive cover spread in NewMan magazine!!!
The judges... Noted blogger Kenny Sia (as Nigel Barker), Fashion Diva Adviser Jimmy Lim and myself...
So first up is Adeline

Elaine: There's something about this picture... The pose... One of your shoulders should tilt slightly upwards to create more angles... *demonstrates her royal fierceness*
Kenny: OK WHAT!!! but I find this shoot, so-so cause it's so hot!! They are all wrapped in 20 layers of clothes!!
Jimmy: You seem slacked off instead... I don't see the fire in your eyes... The picture is not burning...
Adeline: *stares at her own picture* The cameler man ask me to stand liddat wan lor. But I think my pose quite fierce ma...
Elaine: Ok thank you Adeline. Next is Nadia.

Jimmy: Cowboy.... I'm happy with the picture cause you don't look half men's magazine-esque. But you seem to be sleeping on the couch!!
Elaine: Lemme see a close up shot

Elaine: You're staring off space, and your eyes didn't capture that spark from the lights around. You look tired like you're gonna fall asleep, or were you sleeping already?? Thanks Nadia, next Cindy.

Kenny: I still like you in the red dress better... But this biker look not bad I like...
Jimmy: I'm not so keen on your face, you look very paria, like you're posing for some Ah Long advert. =/
Elaine: You shouldn't lean on the chair. You lose your body structure by wearing all the coats, and you're leaning, it puts on few pounds, and you look short. Tip toe a lil so your legs look longer next time. And your lips, don't pout, it doesn't look sexy, your left arm should put on your hips instead, it'll look longer. Thank you Cindy. Ringo you're up next.

Kenny: I like your face, it's so fierce, you look like you're gonna eat me alive!!
Jimmy: I like how they dressed you, stockings with a long long top, adds inches to your legs
Elaine interrupts: But this picture shows your height... You look petite in this picture... Your arms look longer than your legs!! You're too conscious with your picture, is it cause you're famous that you MUST look fabulous in pictures or what?? Careful with the pose, cause it's gonna make you lookin' like an Orang utan... =/=/
Next is Valerie...

Elaine: Left leg, push it out, it looks short... I love the facial expression, it's fierce.
Kenny: Did I sense some Coffee Prince in here?? (wtfwtf) Like a waiter, hot one... =)
Elaine: Fiqa up next...

Elaine: I like how you pose with your legs it looks so long. But mind the entire pose cause it's a tad males magazine. Maybe you should try putting your left leg down instead on the side of the chair. Lets see the close up...

Jimmy: Fiqa you look so sad, what happened?? There's some sort of sorrow in your eyes and no fire...
Elaine: your pose is very edgy, masculine-ish, but mind the legs, it's too wide apart
Kenny: *dreaming off space*
Elaine: Next up Jay

Elaine: Ooh i like the brows, it's like one up and another down... *wink* Your pose is fierce... FEROCIOUS I must say.
Kenny: Looks like someone has elf ears... *think furong jie jie xiaxue edited version*
Jimmy: You have to becareful of OVER fierce-ness cause it's starting to look slightly paria as well...
Elaine: Thank you Jay, next up Hanis

Elaine: Too biker chick, it's a lil too commercial like. I like the face but mind your shoulders... Tilt to an awkward angle it'll do magic to the picture
Jimmy: Rugged lookin. Slightly gangsta... And you're losing your neck...
Kenny: Eh I realised you've been commenting the girls looking paria and gangster consecutively ok... What's wrong?? You pinjam money from ah long isit?? xD Scared they'll slaughter if you don't pay up eh?? hahaha
Jimmy: *ignores*
Elaine: *grin* Last but not least Eyna.

Elaine: You look curious and frightened... But I love the pose... it's so edgy...
Kenny: I love the body, the pose, and the way you tilt your head it shows your bone structures on your face, it's good..
Jimmy: Reminder, your left hand, your fingers, it's too relax, put it in a more delicate way. You have to be aware of every little details in your picture because it'll make the picture look different.
Elaine: Ok now it's the time for the judges to deliberate... When I call you back, I will announce which one of you will be packing your bags and sent home.
Please stay tune for results of who will be going home in the next episode of Malaysian Dream Girls at www.malaysiandreamgirl.tv.
Credit rolling:
Executive producer: MustardQueen
"Bangable" Productions wtf
Disclaimer: All comments are based on personal opinions and many years of experience in watching America's Next Top Model, modeling not included.
Haha I don't watch the show but that was funny!
And regarding your previous post what nonsense.. I actually think you have nice features :)
jia meei: i duno i came up with this 5 in the morning cos was waken up by the morning prayers. -_- teehee thank you ya!! but i still think my eyes are my best feature... =( Anyhow, you're damn pretty also what... :P:P
HAHHAHHA I love this post!!! HAHAHHHAHAHA!
kenny sia as nigel barker. omg such insult T-T
RIM: thankiu thankiu... =)
Alea: yalah, i was so grossed out when I have to type that he's Nigel Barker ok... T___T eyes rotten and my life shortened by god knows how many years T___T
coool! i wander wat am gonna do if i get to be the judge of dis kinda show...hmmmmm
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH, good one good one! *chuckles to self* The pimples doing you good yo! ;D
emma: hahahahhaa ya sure you wanna be the judge?? can you handle all the mocking like what the other bloggers did to kennysia and other judges?? hahahaha
Jing: MACIBAIIII!!! like u dun have any pimples!!!!! VERY CHAR MEH MY FACE NOW!!!!!! *curses*
HAHAHA. This is what a 'critical review' should be like, man. Haha.
pamsong: haha THAT'S what you get when you watch too much of ANTM... From cycle 1 to 10... hoho:P:P
Are you the official blogger for the M'sia dream girl?
You should be one!!
hehe..truly incredible!!
p/s: Japan is my dreamland ever...but i never been there before..sigh...My MBA schl fees are killing me..
who cares bout the mockings?(i do a lil tho) but wtf! i get to judge hotties! damn after show parties r gonna be off the hook!
Beverly: hahah I WISH I AM ONE!! no, I should be the judge instead, then I'll be seeing my own face in blogs hahahaha
PS: YOU SHOULD VISIT JAPAN ONCE!!! it's lifetime experience!! After MBA you'll be earning big bucks go after that!! hoho~~
emma: haha that's cause you're the judge AND a blogger innit? hahahaa What'd you just said?? Judge hotties?? like 70% of em are so not hot... hahaha
Haha. Having Kenny bloody Sia as a judge really boggles my mind. WHY? He's an engineer by day and a blogger by... night or something. He just leers and sounds like a horndog half the time.
Plus they dress him up in these ~*fashunable*~ clothes that makes him look 3 times heavier than he actually is.
And plus, Elaine Daly is a pageant queen, something Tyra always makes fun off haha.
anonymous: hahahaha!! maybe they got Kenny's clothes off from Tian Tian fashion WTF!!! But I think it's part of their evil plan to make the judges sorta suck, and bloggers blog, and more publicity for them... Hmmm I think their evil plan is indeed working!! :P:P
u alwiz have a lot of ideas 'bout MDG.
so funny!
u go girl! haha..
Hahaha that was pretty funny well done! HOpe you win this weeks run on the MDG post
apple [soul]d out: Eh how you know I always have lotsa ideas?? haha You stalk me isit?? xD
aronil: I wanna win to show others who's boss wtf... But i wanna win the consolation prize cause I want the money and the card so I can go online shopping!!! *dilemma kid*
Nice :) Agree about the card rather than the Wella kit tho ... wasn't the first prize RM1000 initially?
julian: ermmm I'm not sure, I think they meant they're giving out RM 1000 WORTH of cash instead... I DUNNO!! i'm not the sponsor, but got prize can lar prove that I'm boss!! hoho~
oooh nice nice! =D haha.
juljul: Thanks. If you think it's nice,REMEMBER TO NANG ME!!! =D <3
I love this entry!!! :D that's how MDG show should be lar!!! -_-" sigh~
eunice: thank you. :) But I only won consolation, cannot show people who's boss. T_T
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