But only after I post it, I found lotsa people from innit are doing the same too. Mine is different with a twist, cause I didn't say Happy April Fools directly... Mine was an indirect one wtf
So stress, I just realised my beautiful jewel encrusted pendrive is M-I-S-S-I-N-G, yes I bling-ed my pendrive as well.. But all the dimantes are falling off and dust trapped, hopefully no one took it, and hopefully it's not left in Monash but somewhere in my house
I will have to hang a pair of scissors on the window pane, so I can find it back. Superstitious but true. It works like, better than Creme de La Mer serious shit I found back my Rm 20 angpow last year... hoho
I waxed my damn legs for the first time... Like FIRST time...
I find it... Quite err... addictive... Cause ya stick ot to your legs, smooth out, and *SNAP* you pull it back
The feeling is... Quite SYOK wey. Like it doesn't hurt and that "pain" feeling goes off in 2 seconds.
I may make a good waxer in the future, no need to study YEAY!!!! \(^___^)/ *happy wtf*

I used this... Fatin recommended this instead of Veet

I used 2 strips for 2 legs, not bad right!!! My legs skinny ma wtf

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!! I even used a font with hair sticking out WTF!!!!! Super grosssss!!!!!
My hair and some wax... T____T

Wipe off excess wax on your body part with cloth AFTER you rub your legs with baby oil. No, not olive oil, you're not going to fry your legs ok -_-

And you get pretty legs like MINE!!!!!
it's so smooth, it's so GENG!!!
I'm loving the legs now...
Maybe I should wax my face so it'll get smoother I dunno...
And and and, I'm happy ok, cause it doesn't hurt AT ALL!! not one bit...
I wonder if it'll hurt a lot if I go brazillian... -__-||

inspired by Gwen. And Gwen's friend and another person from US wtf damn long story wey...
BUT!! It looks so leaopardy right???
I'm a genius.

Nuffnang ads damn crever... Cause cause, the ad will go by what colour your blog is!!!
Like the one below, my layout is yellow, the Happy ad is YELLOW!!
And the one at the side, my cbox is pink and yellow, it's PINK! Cause majority of the boxes and fonts are PINK!!! =D
Should I wax my arms next? It's very hairy though...
ohh~~ i love your nail polish!!
i love manicure but always stick to easy pattern only..yours one is so adorable!!
share a bit lah the whole process!!
YEEERRR why your leg hair brown color wannnn!!! You dyed it ar wtf.
hey, my advise to u to never start waxing/shaving any parts of your body except your legs and ketiak.wtf
because they'll end up growing more and pocky pocky...and worst part of all, u have to wax/shave all the time until u die!
so, my advise...just stick to your legs and ketiak.
I've never tried waxing my legs befor, i've always shaved them instead. BTW a few quest for u, hopefully u're able to answer all of them
1) u used 1 strips per leg?
2) do u do until our thighs area?
3) the hair instantly remove with one application?
4) let me know how long it last till u feel pocky pocky again.
sorry im so longwinded. cos i thought of trying it. I tired the cream application during shower from VEET. shit, cheat my money sial.my legs become so itchy and worst part of all...my legs becomes patchy because the cream doesnt remove my hair entirely...
Beverly: haha THANKS for the link everything damn cute!! =D Err, ok I try to take pictures or some sort to teach, it's my first time!! =D=D *proud*
revel-in-me: dun pissed la finally write your full name wtf!!! it's not BROWN ok, I fair ma.. no, it;s the wax that's brown ok!!! -___-
acsmvtak: Firstly, one wax strip can be split into 2, so basically I used 1 strip (2 sides) to wax ONE leg, until mid thighs(cause i dun have hair on the upper thigh)
2. You have to warm the strip first then smooth out following ur hair growth and then strip against ur hair growth direction(whatever u call it just go the opposite side) You have to do it quick! And the hair comes off at one go, but if you have like some stubborn hair, maybe try a few times. But the strip can be reused for a few times until it's not sticky anymore.
Phew, damn long wey my answers
AND!! I just waxed it yesterday so when it's growing out, I'll see whether is it pokey or not ok! =D
and, I pluck my ketiak hair leh... Maybe will try waxing it if it grows to 3mm la but damn gross lor
AND!! Your leg hair must be longer than 3mm so the wax can stick to the hair, for easier application.
Hope the info helps and this comment is as long as a post -__- hahahaha
I painted my toe nails phinkkarer also!
btw lah hor, you got tagged! BUAHAHAHA.
andandand I used this brand of wax for the first time also on Friday! :D
my friend bawak hers to my place and I also play with it and waxed all my toeandfinger mia hair WAHAHAHA.
*high five
ooh.. u meant hanging a scissors on the windows will help to find lost stuffs?
im gonna hang one, and hope i get 100dollars.. oops.. i meant find 100dollars
btw the waxing really don hurt??
will the legs be erm like sorta rough??
the skin texture??
im gonna try 1 day
I like waxing my legs. dunno why tee hee.
I wanna try brazilian waxing! but i DAMN malu cuz they will see my punnani T-T
Gwen: Eh serious ar?? FUN LEH!! =D Eh I was smoothing down the wax strip with my fingers, and and, too much friction my skin peeled damn pain now, later only was finger hair wtf
Jan: Yeah, I dunno but I can't find my pendrive yet T___T But you can only hang it and go find the thing that you LOST not simply cari makan leh hahahahha
It doesn't hurt at all maybe cause I can tahan...After waxing, my skin is smooth, like aftershaved skin, it's hairless!! Cause usually my skin's damn rough cause there's hair T___T
Alea: My hand memang like gorilla before or maybe after waxing wey!! T__T I'm like addicted to waxing legs, the feeling of your hair kena waxed off is damn good ok... Squeaky clean wtf I can hear my leg shining and twinkling already! And maybe one day go brazillian wax la
AND WTF!! why you come up with so many languages of pepet huh huh?? -__-
omg! hw did u get dat hairy!! lol. just kidding. ur legs turned out nice. seduction mood i guess.am feeling the nail polish of d week.
haha i'm effin hairy too can? i spend a small fortune removing hair from my legs okay. but then again i have to cause i wear short shorts to e gym everyday.
go ahead and wax your arms. it's NOT true that it grows back thicker if you remove hair. shaving yes. waxing no no no.
e only prob is that you gotta wait damn long before it grows out and you can't remove it in between. 0_O.
*p.s don't use veet wax. it sucks.
EHHHHH funny that Alea mentioned that I also shyyyyyyy but then brazillian is sho shexymexy.
and horrrr, my friend said once the hair grow back kan, it won't be like damn lebat and all. it'll be like natural.
emma: I know right, my legs are like damn hot...
sakaiskim: hahahaha but that would be some MAJOR project to remove hair on me arms and I might get cold easily wtf!! no hair to trap heat yada yada... hahaha I know it's like who says waxing grows thicker hair in the future it's suppose to get thinner and thinner then no hair growth cause your follicles will be dead after like 100 waxes. I'm using Nair, not bad kinda good, I cannot afford Sally Hansen's one ok -__-
gwen: I thought suppose to get thinner and thinner after 1237864527 applications/waxing sessions... :P haha we;ll see la, give it a few more months or years hahahah xD
ALEA: HAHAHHAHA WTFFFFF well-versed in pepet language HAHAHHA punani HAHAHHAHAH woman you crack me up until I want to dieeeeeee!
Oh, and I had a brazilian before. Oops. :P
very hot dear..can i feel it?loz
hey there. found you from my nuffnang. i think if im not mistaken, i bought your tops before. met you at ac.
xoxo Ling
ling: ah yes yes!! haha Erm hope ya don't mind but yeah I stalk your blog :P
whats wit u emma. u've gone siao.
and you don't even know what siao means hahahahhah
eh shit I didn't see few of the comments!!!
alea: omg, what's pepet in err... cantonese wtf!! hahaha I wonder if they have it in french spanish mandarin wtf!! I <3 also hahah WTF!!!!
RIM: hahahahaha damn expensive summore ma
Emma: seriously you've gone siao!! hahahahahahahaha feel urself la -__-
kim: kim I know right, siao...
EH WHY YOUR HAIR BROWN! Like LIGHT brown some more. Can even say dirty blonde. You ang moh isit wtf.
So you dyed your hair black and then pretend to dye it brown to match your legs is it? So cunning one! I can see through your cunning plan!
Mona: EHHH!!! Not hair ok, it's mixture of the wax and my hair, there's more wax than hair lar... :P:P Yeah, how you know, i might have dyed it to match my blonde hair wtf... xD
Way to go, Mustard Queen! These waxing strips sure are nifty, and you can even buy them in drugstores near you. Brazilian wax isn't that bad. It doesn't hurt for long, and the procedure takes only a while. :o)
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