Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Answer my prayers


random snippets of Bangkok. Main reason for the trip is for me to pray, for luck, health, love, succeess, prosperity and whatever that I wish for. Do you believe in this sorta thing? I mean be it you're Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish etc, do you feel like giving up when your prayers are not answered or what you wish for is not granted?

I believe that for the things that I've prayed for, opportunities are given, but it is up to you to take a chance. It might be hard, but when the chance comes, you gotta grasp it. Run as hard as you can, till you reach the end.

ps: hahahaahahahhaha at the dog with the 3D glasses hahaha took it at one of the train stops.


I'm so thankful for the comments I received from my friends regarding my weight loss! I feel that whatever that you aim to do, when you have an intention, the aim seem so much attainable. :) HAHA Funny that some of my friends have been asking me "eh teach me".


You don't know how much this means to me. :)


Random, but remember my colourful nails I painted on using the testers at Sephora by OPI? The mint green stained my fingers and they now look like they're bruised. -.- Put on your base coats girls!!


I should take a chance. Do it.

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