Yeah baby, i look like this now... Just that I have less hair in real so less volume, and it's slightly longer... =)
So sad la no surprise
2. I went for the Nuffnang: Nothing Else Matters Pajama Party and here is my update wtf...
I had loads of fun and also had a great time with free beer... *yumm*

Red carpet backdrop thing... HAHAHAHA I hate the watermark... Why lar put so big as if no one knows -__-

Nuffies, Ming (Nuffnang co founder Singapore) Desmond (Chipster sponsor) and pink gymnast manny in pajama wtf

Me, Ming and Manny all Ms wtf

Because life is sweet and it's raining my slippers got wet... -__-

heehee I look like army wtf

Why lar I so shameless sleep on the backdrop... Maybe cause my pig was there I can sleep best wtf

French maid, a nurse and a mad reindeer wtf inside joke T__T The French maid is Alea's friend, and the nurse is actually Natalie Foong haha small world... xD

OMG REAL BOUNCER!! BOUNCE fo real cause so meaty I can poke him and meat bounces back get it?

chandelier love *fly kiss*

They were wearing... Female bathrobes/silk robes... -.-

Handmade Chipster pillow and both of them are mother and daughter with matching pajama pants coolness!!!!

cutest cutest bedroom slippers... TY better endorse em'

This is the owner of the cutest slippers, Jerilyn from Singapore

Wizard of oz wtf!!! Tin man!!!

Anonymous Eyeris who revealed his identity that night, which is anonymous wtf, aka Heineken spokes model... You will know why later on -__-


Ok, the infamous Xiaxue and her Mike and me. I am so tall my goodness... And Mike's boxers said "SPANK ME" together with

I super super super HEART the chandeliers they have there. *fly kiss*

Sleepy and all I got is a bloody plain pillow from Nuffnang and I left it in sister's bf's car -__-

Nuffnangers. Boss Stewie Timothy Tiah and Pinkpau Su Ann

the crew that kept me sane by giving me money to spend

Chipster and the sponsor man wtf

T___T She is so pretty in real life, I editted my picture kao kao, and she is so nice I think I am in her camera as well... T___T and and, she is seriously damn pretty lar... T___T *sniff*
*fly kiss*

Push up to win some sad prize... The guy in blue wears eyeliner

AHH!! they look like tomatoes in real life...

Nuffies wanna SPANK me!! Sergeant and French maid with their weapons... *takut*

Eh their expression damn priceless, mine also lar...=D

Kla, police woman you win, your expression all damn ganas

The fingers represent 2D and 3D wtf. Cause they are both same PIGS!! T___T With a heart I love lar my piggy... Sleepless nights without it...

Nuffnang money wtf I won nothing


I was Cinderella for the night... I was looking up and down high and low for Prince Charming, turn out there are another 5 pairs of em and I won movie tickets wtf. It's a game you look for as much same partners as possible.
They have Cinderella and Prince Charming, Tarzan and Jane, Mickey and Minnie, Princess Leah and dunno who, Beauty and Beast, and summore lar cannot remember

Random guy, with this super cute stuff toy from a sitcom!! But I have not heard of it, but the toy is so cute lor!!! Definitely NOT orang utan

Foamy goodness for free!! I only had a cup so sad I should have taken more... But my belly bloated like a baloon!! T_T

Aristokat and my big BOW (reindeer wtfwtf) I was the only one wearing a BOW, and people kept asking, why sleep need to wear bow wan... I dunno why also... ahaha

Optimus Potato Prime!!!

OptiMustard Prime wtf
See, I have BOW summore...
And damn scary, this helmet is so small... And My head is rather big, I thought of just pose it with half covered and settle... And dunno who (I was stuffed inside the helmet almost suffocated) go PUSH the helmet fully unto my head and I was so so so so so freaked out I will never be able to see my pretty face again T____T
but it managed to get out... T_T

SEE!!!! Eyeris like super Heineken Spokes model lor!!

Poke poke... You there wtf

We met a makeup artist and she's damn friendly lar... Joy Chong hahah small world hor.. xD

Cheryl and Muamua

AHH!! unhook her dress!! She look so freaked out lar

OMG!! wtf

manny look damn pissed -_-

I like xiaxue's video
And guess who I saw there as well wtf

Audrey wtf and Sweat! hahaha tanjomi blablabla
Speak in English kudasai...

no haha wtf

Klar Liang damn funny go cover his crotch wtf

Malaysia Dreamgirls lalala

Kidchan poser

She's auditioning next year

SUPER CHIPSTER wtf her pose=__=

Ketiak man wtf

I concede defeat lar... maybe he untung like another RM 500 from the Macbook cause I think the Macbook can hardly cover the bill for his Chipster... -__-

I love that pillow so cuddly.. She won cause of THAT!! Her mother deserves the iPod touch as well!! xD
Nuffnang crew gave the bosses presents and it's kinda wrong lar...

Bidding game thingy...

kellster won a Plug in xiaxue's blog for 3000 nuffnang dollars

kenny sia plug on the sidebar for 1 month, and 2 days on top at the small talk section, AND a Lumix camera for 6000 nuffnang dollars.. haha DAMN SUEYYY!!!! No one wanna bid for his plug for 1000 dollars... hahaha
Guess who wtf

Maybe a clearer view..

" Eh why suddenly got Fu Yong one?? " said the emcee Liang wtf hahahah
A Kiss from Dawn Yang omg... T__T

Sold for 8000 nuffnang dollars... hahahaa

pay 8k still have to strip damn cham lar

Priceless lar, he better not wash his face for years wey

Kenny showers in nuffnang money

Daffy boxers very hot lor... wtf (picture got cut off cause my sis dunno how to view from the lens to snap a picture T_T )

7 inches hahaHAAHAHAH!!! Damn lucky that girl get to be on my blog with a hearted face wtf. Quite cheebye I don't like

Turn your camera upside down, your picture will turn out better I SWEAR!!!

nadnut is so so so so so so so times one million PETITE!!! I am like.... Twice her height or something I feel like a giant... T___T haha Small like peaNUT wtf

battle of the boobs wtf
Klar, I took 200 picture in total, like ngam ngam 200, and I only posted like 80 of em, and some stolen from Kidchan's official site.
So there you have it...
I know like half of em I dunno them and they don't know who in the fishy world is mustardqueen either wtf... So er, glad to see so many people I dunno there... =)
Klar, at least I got a free packet of Chipster, 2 movie passes and a pillow hahahahahha which is still in sis bf's car... -__-
I love my new hair bubye!
omg ginny and emily in kinky costumes omg fabulous. hahahaha.
thank god i didnt go if i do, i'll look super ugly cuz i dont have nice pajamas.
omg tht nadnut damn small!!! damnnn small leh it's unbelievable haha
the shorts mike has on is stewie from family guy la. Far from Nickelodeon. haha
alea: why lar you didn't go... So i know how you look like in real lar... hahahah
Suet Li: haha YES!! she IS DAMN SMALL!! like peanut wtf...
Sam: Er yeah, Kim sorta told me yesterday, and at first glance, that character look like a Steven to me, and quite close to Stewie also lar... :P:P
bloody helmet got no mouth have to use straw to drink beer wtf. haha
hey i love your photos! damn nice. the one with you and jerilyn of singapore is a really gorgeous pic
can i steal the pic of you and me for my blog!!! :D please!
glad to see you had a good time at the party :))
Eyeris: that's why I almost died inside... T__T but but, the helmet is AWESOME!! where'd you get that!! =P
Pinkpau: Thank you!! And yup I saw the picture there already! =) And you're awesome too cause you organized the party that I had fun at!! =D You deserve waaaay more than a pat on the back!! =D=D
ahhhhhhh-la-mak! no wonder the name mustardqueen so familiar la! is it your nick or your sisters? haha how is she!
haha and i remember u la can. your ribbon so nice! i was like, how come same as the PJ party logo. I LIKE!
Dweam: mustardqueen is MY nickname.. sis one is revel-in-me. hoho hahaha thank you. But no matter how cute my ribbon is, your PJs and the pillow is still the cutest you WON a prize ok!! -__- haha :P
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