Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Alexa and me

As you all have known I chopped off 6 inches of my hair and dyed it red and yen suggested to me to have it parted it the centre. Centre parting... Red... Interesting...

And I thought that HEY that might work!! Cause Alexa Chung did it too!!


Alexa Chung, british model, mix, weighs 40 pounds, fucking gorgeous and sexy.


Alexa:1 , Me: 0

Well at least I tried.


sherlyn said...

her weight 40 pounds? means 20+ kgs only? whoaa!!! so skinny!!!!

sherlyn said...

her weight 40 pounds? means 20+ kgs only? whoaa!!! so skinny!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey,do you mind telling where to do cut your hair? yen.. where?hahah is it exp?

Anonymous said...

hey,do you mind telling where to do cut your hair? yen.. where?hahah is it exp?

revel in me said...

HAHHAHAAH chat funny!

And omg is she wearing a velvet jumpsuit in the first picture???!!

Memang pun alexa: 1, hoe sisters: 0.


mustardqueen said...

sherlyn: NO LA jst sarcastic cause she's so skinny -_- i think maybe she's around 40 kgs? i dunno =/

anon: yeah wenawave, it depends though if you're going for director's cut (which is yen) it'll cost you about RM 250 plus for cut and dye.

rim: hahah yah velvet jumpsuit wtf where got such thing ok super brave -_-