Note: Please click pictures to enlarge. :)
Updated: Added a little about second!=)
mini update: I won the RM 100 for my MDG post, and I didn't win the RM 500 hamper thank god my hair in good shape cause I use Tresemme wtf. Money money come!! *fly kiss*
Yalah, I know I should be winning the first right wtf, but I need money more I cannot sell shampoo ok T__T My sis say I'm a winner in her heart wtf so sweet
And to disclaimers: This post is written based on the amount of blogs I stalked, flame me if you want and you'll be categorized under ninth or tenth, sebab kamu alien wtf! I judge lor what the hell, you mean you don't? No wonder you're alien wtf -_-
Setelah mendapat sambutan yang hangat, I am gonna blog about....
Which bloggers annoy me MOST volume 1
Are you one of 'em?
No names will me mentioned, BUT you know who they are don't cha?Are you one of 'em?
The "dead" blogger.
It is those who simply DO NOT update their blog. I wasted my effort or other people's effort to give you an unique visit. And no, you didn't update since last year, or was it last century. -_-
The "My sidebar is so GENG" blogger
People who can't seem to get enough of freebies, advertorials, and those free counters and free clock, free calendar, free referral,, free socks, free cookies, free animal...
And then they put all of the FREE stuffs they got, all to their sidebar,

Bloody hell, your toolbar got clock one ok... (click to enlarge, but nothing to read)
And as if people didn't notice that there's a clock, you have to put the same bloody clock AGAIN!! After a nuffnang advert, or a sitemeter...
And the most annoying one in this category with a lot of things on the sidebar is WISHLIST!!!!!
Why do you have to put your wishlist?? HELLO?? This is why you have a blog!!! You can make a blog post about what you bloody wish you have like a fairy to come into your life or something.
Your sidebar is to put, say a nuffnang ad, your profile, and archives or maybe a chatterbox!!! Your sidebar is NOT your blog ok!!!!
UPDATED: ANDDDD!!! Thanks to Alea omg, she reminded me that there's such thing as music/mp3 in blogs!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!! Unless you're New Soul by Yael Naim so soothing and hippy peace harmony then others you DON'T put ok. It's ANNOYING!!
*boomboomboomboomboomboom* ear drums split into half, you want?
The "I try so hard to be glamorous but failed miserably cause mustardqueen revealed my secret wtf" blogger.
Perhaps one of EVERYONE's favourite. EVERYONE who voted was prolly damn interested in this one, that's why they vote for the blogger's post first! haha

Same pose, same hairstyle, but the one on the right failed miserably with her cacat-looking hippy band... HAHAHAHAH I cannot stop laughing ok, it's SOOOOO freaking cacat looking, it's not even a hippy braided BAND!!!

Coincidence?? I think not... >:)
Still not enough evidence that she's trying to be glamour?

Malaysian's Tatler is that chuuuu??????
Oh yes, I fell for that the first time I saw it while blog stalking.
After one thing when people told me that she made it herself, just like the "interview" done by "Essence" magazine, which is specially dedicated to African American women. hahahah
Nothing wrong with the picture?
Let me SHOW you. =)

Focus on your left. Style
Do you think Malaysian Tatler would do SUCH a BIGBIGBIGBIG mistake and still not bankrupt today? And I think if she IS really in the magazine, Tatler's magazine will most prolly be bankrupt by now, sitting by roadside asking for money. pfaah
And magazines, have standards kan? tak kan they will spell out th entire full name WITHOUT capital letters ok.
And one more thing, a two sided layout suppose to be of equal size. This one, lopsided one lor...
baby you want publicity, I GIVE you publicity, now 200 people reading about chuuuuuu~~~~
In the future if you get more jobs, you have to THANK me!!! Nothing much, a trip to Paris will do. :)
The "I have 200 readers and I am king" blogger.
What free host at least 4 posts a week and hundred unique visitors averagely. And threepointsixpluszeropointtwo said "Oh that's easy"
Your the site host is it that's why you're so confident!!! -____-
If you only have 200 visitors like me, then you don't go bragging that you are damn famous ok!!!!
Because I don't know who the fuck are you cause you're always wearing the bloody hoodie...
No offense but yeah...
The "I can afford a camera phone which is Rm 2000 but I cannot afford a RM 400 camera" blogger.
Bloggers, who don't take clear pictures, hmm.. How should I phrase that, don't give a clear picture of what you're telling to tell
And therefore, you won't succeed in life.
Imagine one day, i blog everything in my life with THESE kinda picture quality

Penis on a plate? Sausage? Or is it a cactus?
And this is taken by my loyal 3.2 mp camera phone. What if you don't have a canggih camera in your phone?
As if you an afford that sibeh expensive handphone you cannot afford a RM 400 canon Powershot A 400 camera. Hello?? Still 3.2 megapixels but a camera is a camera, nothing can compare ok!!
I know I have a semi professional camera, but don't you just hate it?? Picture quality so sucky, you dunno what you're looking at...
it's like when you wanna buy clothes, pictures are so pixelated, I buy pixels better.
The "I am politician by day and blogger by night or vice versa" blogger.
Err, you know those who's DAMN kao concern about EVERYTHING happening in the country or the world and my dog wtf, and then once in a while will post about his/her/it's life.
Sien not?
You wanna talk about politics, you open a blog ALL about politics, don't mix ok!!! People will get confused whether you're like politics blog or real person wtf -__-
The "My blog is so colourful all my readers went blind" blogger.

"blog post" doesn't make sense cause it's not nice to reveal people's *cough* privacy *cough*
I know kennysia has mentioned that before in the first year he started blogging, and I am quite sure many of you HATEs it. Cause those who succeed in blogging and black and white spaces for blog post...
Black background, but colourful fonts just BLINDS everyone.
"Your fonts so BRIGHT, YOU BLIND ME wooo~~" Stardust theme song wtf
There you go, these 7 types of bloggers just ANNOYS me.
To those who expected to see names and whatnots, sorry I disappoint you, cause I'm playing "nice" here. hoho
Come on people you GOTTA admit I'm right right?? >=)
P.S.: If there are any other things I wanna add i.e. eighth and ninth or even tenth, DO stay tune!! =D
Much Love,
boo first again wtf! nice post eh who is tht natalie foong wei so tak tahu malu wan! HAHAHAHAHHA!
Hahaha. You hit the jackpot with this one.
LOL I know who's number 4! hahahahaahha
Hurray, my maths still not fail LOL
im the one that have a 3.2megapixel hp
but don hv a camera ><~~~~
after finish exam work part time that time save $$ buy 1 lo... ><~
you are so beautiful as a model...
Thumbs up!!nyehehe...
HAHAHAHAHA damn sien i love the 2nd one! i hate all stupid sdidebars expecially when they put MP3!!! if its soft soothing music, its okay. but this one, put rock lah put hip hop with loud bass lah and put trance lah. how to read their blog u tell me! damn noisy.
eh eh do the fashion faux pas tee hee <3
I like the colour one cosy it's really really damn annoying with a rainbow disturbing me reading.
But i don't understand fifth.. what's wrong with a 3.2 mp phone cam??
Obviously i can see sausages. And not penis...
hahahaha natalynn is the worst of the worst ok! natalie's louis vuitton blabla and dior crystal watch WTF where got ppl like that wannnn!!! my goddd some more all her professional shoots force friends to take for her hahahaha sad case. AND AND AND her bf damn weird looking ok like 40 year old drug addict who wears shoes without socks wtf. and who's the 4th blogger! haha eh what's your msn
wtf i was just blog hopping and i came across this stupid girl who blogged with pink font against a black background. am now having eyesore. >.<
hahahaha! so def! am i one of ur list? be
I am using my hp to snap photo too and it is 3.2 megapixel...
But you know sometimes its just so hard to bring so many stuff...
Hp, Camera, Make up, Wallet ... I think I need to get a really light and slim camera...
Hehey, I can relate to #4.
Thats a good one! I didn't knew that there was such an interpretation behind "I have 200 readers"
say, I was planning to post something that is somewhat related to this. Can I have the permission to link back to this blog post?
Phooisze: EH i got no prize for you wtf!! And don't la mention names!! hahaha
pamsong: lala, jackpot, I want money!! haha
David Cheong: Yalah you get A+ for maths hahaa
jan: Aww, at ;east you're gonna work hard!! I adore people like ya!! 3.2mp, is actually ok, at least it's still the better cameras outta the bunch right?? Those still using VGA cameras are just... Urghhh.. See what lor... -__-
kuanru: haha THANK YOU!! *fly kiss*
Kimhock: NO, am not a model and that is not me, I have no pictures of my self in this post! hahahaha
Alea: What you mean damn sien you like #2 hahaha YAHOR!! You reminded me about the music one omg cannot tahan as well!!! haha fashion faux pas, tunggu a while lor cause I haven;t realy thought of what to write hahahaah =D
dom: hoho COLOUR!! Oh well, bout the 3.2 megapixels phone thing, you're using a Sony Cybershot camera, so don't feel bad... haha AT LEAsT YOU CAN SEE ITS SAUSAGES RIGHT??? cause I mentioned it's sausages on a plate wtf!! hahaha
tzeching: hahahahaha this is NEW news right haha it's like I just found out this magazine thing lor! Why la so sedih! omg... T___T
emma: You're the dead blogger cause you never update HAHAHAHAHA
charmaine: slim camera all the way!! T___T I had BIG BIG troubles bringing around my cam, cause it's the size of my bag...T____T I have dilemma sometimes to bring or not to bring my cammie around, cause it's giving me err backache as well!! =(
3point8: Hmm, are you trying to tell me that you wanna blog something about the interpretation of "I have 200 readers" cause I dun really get?? =/=/ Hahahaha Yeah if you seriously wanna relate then you can link lar, I'm ok!!
LOL why no people nang wtf..ROTFLOL
yatz: yalah cause maybe they terasa la... cause alot of em using camera phone wtf...
Haha.. to me camera phone is fine, as long as the pic is clear at the size the blogger intended, not that I wanna zoom in anyway.. X'P
Plus not everyone carries their camera everywhere they go. So HP cam comes in handy when they wanna get a snap of something at that moment.
Actually there's one type of blogger that I dun really like, those who attract attention by leaving a few words comment which may not even be related to ur post. They think by leaving such comments, people would go keep going to their update-once-a-century blog..-.-"
I agree with your post especially with #2 & #3. alea amin said it all for #2. And that girl in #3, pathetic. Blog is for you to write. Not to show how glamorous you're (or not).
anyway, I totally agree lah.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand yes do fashion faux passsss!
~ym~: yeah I agree as well, just make it clear!!!! My camera is so heavy I have troubles bringing it out.. T___T I hate those commentors as well!! Especially those anynoymous ones, LAGI WORSTTT!!!! cannot stand them ok.. -__-
Angie: haha #2, alea said it all lor and I added as well hahaha I forgotten bout the music part my sis was rushing me -__-
gwen: No worries lar, yours is a small one, I've seen WORST!!!!!!!!! like, the entire post there hahahah wtf I scared later I do fashion faux pas ppl will say yer she no fashion sense why wanna say others haha later they say I judge blablabla... later k!! ;P
you got wrong name. Shouldn't call yourself Mustard Queen. Must call yourself Tabasco Queen or Cili Padi Queen. Spicier than Mustard mar. :D
I just came across your blog from the nuffnang website. I enjoy your writing & that wicked sense of humour. :) Take care & keep up the good work! :)
eyeris: haha never thought I'd become so "chilli padi" over the years mustard will do fine wtf
Daphne: HEEE thanks babe!!! =D=D I'm so flattered and I'll keep it up!!! :D
nice entry but i realised something which annoyed me for a bit. your only vuglarity is wtf, not that i have much to deal with but it would be nice to see another variation.
i was laughing at your 2nd one, very true.
p.s. no offense in anything i've commented.
missyme: I don't blame you, cause I can go really vulgar, this is not suppose to be a vulgar post just cause the bloggers annoy me. And wtf to me, is just an emphasis that the sentence is so random and sohai wtf hahaha if you don't get what I mean try reading or and maybe you'll have a clearer picture.
And hahah my range of "vulgar" words can extend to different language as well!! :P
hey my sidebar got links with pictures,a clock,that stupid mybloglog crap and songs playing sang by my best friend. Damn terasa sial wtf,but i've got to agree with BLACK BACKGROUND WITH COLOR FONTS, LOUSY CAMERA SHOTS, 200 HITS CAN GO TRY HARDER LAH.
love this post.
omgomgomg,private message me if i'm like in the most annoying list wtf. :)
natallyn imitate who? better read the real thing
missycheerio: Erm I didn't much realise you got alot of those lar, but I know your links list is DAMNNNNNNN long hahahah lots lots lots of pictures and my pic as well hahah No lar not you definitely, it was another girl I was blog hopping and found and dman super annoying I think she falls in all the categories wey hahahahaha =D
kelyn: janice_m, angelababy and lena fuji, the most most most obvious one lor!! hahahaha eh how you know her name ar... hahaha blog is quite colourful..but i loike's nice and breezy...jelous meh?got any problem with you if my blog so rainbow colour..wont blind la mak cik..
though my blog is kalerfull..
but i have 3000 visitor a,mean what..mean that my blog didnt blind my visitors eyes ok..
jangan jeles...
if tak peccaya come and stalk my blog 6 month i've gain so many visitor lol
I disagree wif point 6..
Whether one wants to talk about politics or real life doesnt matter as long it is general..
Unless it's a political blog strictly....
nice post. =)
my sensasi: thank you but no, I don't think I'll drop by. Why should I be jealous if you can't even spell jealous correctly? terasa je!!! hahahahahaha You're just trying to put your link here so in the future you "MAY" have 3000 readers. Dream on...
freethinker: No, I think you misunderstood, it's like that blogger's blog, is ALL about the world and world and world, and she just updates super boh liao/boring stuff about a stupid outing. DAMN SIEN ok!!! and it's purely my opinion, you have all the rights to disagree. :)
roshann: haha, is the Dawn's kiss doing you good? =D Thanks! :D
i do update..but u neva check..u neva comment...we is the support!!!!!????!!!!! damn!
emma: thats cos you neva update and I didnt bother to check back! don't you dare to damn me!!
and to that whatever sensation: If you misunderstood what I said, don't comment that i'm jealous and all those shit ok!!!
I meant BLACK background, with COLOURFUL fonts not kalerfu or whatever spelling you have there... My curiousity took me to your blog, and it's only colourful background with black fonts and it's DEFINITELY not blinding. Try changing to black background and your bg colour as ur font and see... -__-
and ya allah you win lar god knows how many visitors you have...
But I still dono who are the 2 bloggers at #3? How come I never read before? Give me links please!!!
Actually, tell me one by one who are the bloggers #1~7 can? Wait, #1 no need la.
Dun leave me in the dark babe!
mona: err err, but very controversial wan lar wtf!!! the one pretending to be famous is very obvious lar. The first pic of #3 is some HK top model/actress janice_m. And also someone is like stealing pics and whatever and making her own "page spread in magazines" from thsi girl, another girl name angelababy(HK) and lena fuji(japan) sad case... =(
this one for sure got nang! ;) and i did nanged :D
gosh, hope i m not one of those :(
Omg I googled and googled and FINALLY found the "fake editorial" aka #3 blogger! It's like not even put together with Photoshop, just with Microsoft Paint only! I haven't read the "Tatler" one yet, just reading the one where she did "some editorial work.....from a recent shoot/work/hell......": Like she just superimpose the makeup products and and the Lamb bag on her on picture only D: some more, why around the bag and the makeup got like this white, fuzzy halo-like effect one? Like she just google for "LV bracelet" and then go to Paint and ERAAAASE like heck the background. Why why why???
Is she for real? Like, are those really her pics and did she really do those editorials? I NEED TO KNOW I NEED TO KNOW TELL ME BABY GIRL COS I NEED TO KNOW wtf
yipguseng: yeay!! got nangs for me!! hahah Thank you. :)
mona: haha she did cpy stuffs from other models lar... I've seen her in real but dunno her at all.. :P:P My friedn's bro took photos of her before ok for her portfolio cause she emailed him hahahaha yalah, the stuffs tehre got like fuzzy paint jobs... -___- maybe she just cut from magazine take picture and paste there... hahahaha
long time stalker here. haha.
good blog.
but aiyoh, the first one so obvious lo. hehe. roughly can figure out the words.
eh and the no.3, wtheck, i think she together with the ah-pet only to korek his money. 'my hubby who loves me bought me...' WTHHH. haha.
can someone laugh with me?
and and and waiitttt... i've seen her in real life lo. but the pics and her, DAMN a LOT of diff.
and the next best thing, all her sisters hugs and sleeps on her boyfren. WTH! sleeps on, not sleep with. hahah.
what's with long pants and slippers?
natalynn's BFF are all high maintainence sluts lerhh. luv yr blog & always had!Nat's bf looks better in real person though.
SORRY,but you totally rock lerh.
Nat is from my high school,a senior in Sri Aman who is fucking snobbish.Her friend Evonne is snobbish and not to mention Daniella who sleeps to get the things that she wants.
Hahaha, why got expose on natalynn here!!! Keep the dirt rolling wtf!
Yea..that's y i always end up snapping all the photo with my hp....cos im too lazy to bring my camera...
i do update. at least evry week. y u neva even try to see? but i surpport urs mah! damn!!! damn!!! damn!!!!...wat r u gonna do now? huh!!! hahahaha
Style FAIL T__________T Damn fail wtf pun intended
Hahaha guess who googled up Essence Mag for African-American women! *blows on nails
oh my god, i'm under the color font group! what to doooo, my template is designed to be like that. sighhh. nice post though! very outspoken and daring!
Natalynn has fugly bunny tooth if u noticed. =/ her so called BFF's who has 10pounds of makeup on,sleeps with the same guy and OMG i'm here to spam woman. You rock!
Yup.. a post is up linking back to your page. Do check it out @ 3POINT8.
Drop me msg if you want something to be removed from the blogpost.
Smile, and Have a happy day then!
nice one. rofl. you go girl.
anne: ahhahahaha SERIOUS??? haha yeah i saw her b4 and previously i wrote something about her something related and same as this, I saw her walking at OU i was so scared she'll bitch slap me. SO scared haha but I'm just telling the truth ok what can she do? even if I attack i'll go juvenile center only wtf
anonymous: I heard she fail SPM as well hahahahahahha Money keeps the world turning baby!! =D
Revel-in-me: ya allah so panjang lar ur name.. Ur always the first who get the dibs what,. what more you want huh!! hahaha
charmaine: Yeah, its ok if its bigger and clear cos u snap pics like outdoors not in the dark so it'll turn out Ok . =) Eh I wanna see ur blog!!
emma: omg you sound to malaysian here!! haha all the mah ma la la... Dun la damn me... I go visit now la happy!!!
jia meei: HAHAHHAA i know!! my sis told me!! You damn pat also ok!! I seach also but that one got Beyonce in it so must not be true cause she's not that geng ok!! hahaha *blows finger*
yunshen: thank you thank you, haha Time to change *plays digi theme song wtf* But if you've got the material, how ugly ur blog also got people read wan lar, I made my layout more reader friendly cause i have like no good stuffs hoho wtf don't make sense...
anonymous: haha you rock too cause how you eigh she got 10 pounds of makeup!! hahah I'm slight bit better, I got 9.9 pounds wtf haha i look like some chinese opera character in real life but still can see zits T___T
3.8: Saw leh, it's about feecbacks only lar, not much related to my blog post, only one teensy weensy bit, no need to link also can!! hahaha =D
nikkiko: haha glad it made you laugh!!! Yeah I'll keep up!! =D
HAHAHAHAHAH reading all those comments on Natalynn just made my day. Omg, Hui Ting, this is damn class. When I grow up I want to be just like you wtf. You are so brave, not scared ah Natalynn throw her "Dior crystal watch" or "LV bracelet" at you?
why so sked of her.
the only thing she has is, an ugly boyfriend, and 10 pounds of make up!!
haha. =)) nice spamming ur blog. hehe.
wrote u a feedback post. not feedback line. hahaha. =))
love love this post.
but dun spam me k?!
shit lah, she whack u, i think all your fans will whack her back lo. haha.
continue with the good stuffs coming!=))
haha i especially detest those with erm, colourful sidebars, particularly those who collects blog awards -.-"
sofia: OMG I don't mind IF she has like lotsa dior watches and lv bracelets to whack me!! I'll be collecting them after she threw it to me wtf!! hahahahaha Yeah glad it made your day. :)
anonymous: Why should I be scared I'm telling the truth!! haha later the bf go like "you've been lying to me bout ur editorials!!" ala 27 dresses go watch haha
anne: no lar, not spamming... What feedback post??? I don't have your blog url GIVE GIVE!! haha
phingy: haha xiaxue xiaxue is that her!! wtf... Bryanboy also got damn alot of adverts of like branded bags and shit make me so jealous wtf...
gwen: yalah, like history man...
e.j.: haha look at the comment after you gosh... Yeah, there's like a coupla good politics blog too!! =D We should cause I think most of the youth nowadays don't care about politics!! Me being one of em, are like mostly depending on online info as well, cause newspaper too long winded.
anonymous: kawan lu siapa? natalynn is that chuu?? I never admit I'm pretty also why you so perasan say I thought I'm damn pretty? And I deleted your comment cause you have a PHONE NUMBER there, I won't call you for obvious reasons what if you attack me with your dior watch!! You wanna insult me, remove the phone number and start talking.
wah lun lei. 61 comments you damn keng hor! hahaha wtf. yeay my name is stated in your post wtf im so popular wtf wtf jk ah.
eh eh gimme that desperado wannabe's blog. I wanna laugh too!!! <33333
haha good post! i am so daym annoyed with natalynn too weyh.
btw, she lives at bu. near u ;) she apparently won 7 beauty pageants or something. and yea her bf does look better real life.
we love you!
alea: gimme ur email!! I wanna add you in MSN!! =D For the love of pepets wtf!!!!!!!!!! yalah famous now damn lanci lar.. shock also leh, 60 comments, never in my life -_-
anonymous: eh how you know where am I? I'm from outerspace wtf beauty pageants? So, how about Miss Malaysia don't wanna join since she so geng... Hahaa seen the bf in real, whatever la looks like the on in her pictures saja..
i love you too =D
comment to join in the fun~!!!!
and eh, i actually am in ur list. i dun update blog and i take pics with camera phone sumtimes!!! u should have featured me!!! xDDD
lol. i sound like a bitch, but oh well, love u! *muackz*
well...i have to agree with you to some extent but you know what tops the list of the annoying-wannabe-bloggers list?This...
anonymous: Fine whatever you think it is. You're the top wannabe anonymous you win hahahahaa
aww sick!
i randomly clicked innit links and read this.
i met natalyn/natalie and he posse of slut frens daniella (with the bloody fake accent) and the other tall(er) gawky one who i cant remember the name of.
nathalie got like, a tonne of makeup thats 3tones whiter than her natural skin colour. and when i told them off that they cant be wearing tops that bare their shoulders and refused to take their pics until they covered up, they so pissed off.
and i went "oh.. u r the nathalie in the miss malaysia contest ya?" when i saw her form.
shes so stoked that i remember. i pointed the form to her and said "too bad u didnt win"
the whole time they were rude and unpro.
bitches like this i never did show to the director for shortlisting.
too bad. y'all pissed off the wrong bitch!
e.j: maybe she brazillian wax too much pussy came off as well wtf
naeboo: WAHHHH!!! WTF!! What job are you in why can be in contact with her wan??? O___o YEAH now I can tell my sisters that it is official that she didn't win the Miss Msia hahahahahahaha WTF!! not even in like semi finalist or something hohohoho
Speaking of fake ascent,Daniella only dates dudes with cash,car,looks and preferably DJ's!Natalynn make up layers is thicker than the pandan layered cake OMG.The other one,Evonne Chow which looks like a giraffe dont ya'll think so? =)
sluts omfg.
anon: eh don't take your anger towards her friends as well la. I'm just talking about bloggers who flaunt their fake life. Not about their kawans also ok. Don't get the 4th party involved.
memang, i only know me who always go "taking a break, not gonna update for awhile" or "going hiatus" and bla.
and... i read the comments, who is this Natalie girl? if she is so popular, i should have already known about her. but i don't, means she is not popular enuff la!! enough said. lalalala~
p.s. *trying to be gay* to ur 4th annoying blogger thingy: I have u, the Queen as my reader, I don't need 200 commoners, so I am King. WTEFF? xD
yinky: CHEHH!! you is it i thought who flame me again hohoho... the natalie girl is the wannabe model your bro know la... MEMANG not popular wtf im just giving her publicity so people know her wtf!!!
o... tat spare tyre tat 1? O________o
yinky: YES! hahahahahahahahahAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you damn smart... now it's like you're holding allll the juiciest gossips about her.. cos one big part of the things is you tell me wan!! hoho
OMG!!! i din know it's her.... but oh well, i dun giv a dam bout her la... she is not as important as my toe nails. i need to cut my toe nails but i can't find the nail clipper.
... y am i talking bout toe nails again? geez, now everyone knows my toe nails is long... XD
yinky: i need to cut my toe nails from time to time cos if it's to long i cannot buy shoes in my size T___T cant we like talk about this in msn instead later i thought who flame me again hahahahaha xD
Hiya! a friend directed me to your blog cause she really likes it and I can see why.. :) I like this post. it got me laughing alot. :)
aka pamela s. : haha whos your friend?? tell me I go say Hi. =D I love readers who love me I gotta go send some lovin as well!! =D
heheheh.. this is pretty interesting. add some more!!
Eh! I terasa la bout blogger #6!!! =((((
But the expose about blogger #3 is hilarious!!! Bwahahahahaha!! Made my day! =DD
heylo ..long time no see yer blog..
actually just trying to check from google by typing sensasi blogspot and my last comment on yer blog bring me back here..hey r you malay or what?
anyway yer 1st comment make me like..wat??and i keep reading and ok at last curiousity brings you there...negeheheh..nway thanxs for dropping bye..
actually i'm not dreaming becoz my blog now have like 5000-6000 visitor per day but only around 1700 unique visitor(referring to nuffnang)..hopefully will increase day by day.
amilyn: hahaha I will keep it coming I promise!! *evil grin*
ashleigh: haha don't terasa lar... At least I made your day right right?? :P:P
my.sensasi: OH cheh, 5000 that one is page loads lar... But yeah keep it coming so we can be famous ONE DAY muahahahhaha... And yeah thanks for dropping by as well, who knows I might have something that attract you in the future to be my loyal reader hoho!! :P AND!! I'm pure chinese... Not malay though ppl thought I'm either malay, aborigine or chindian -_-
hey. i know this post was posted up eons ago, and im so loser to have only found it now, but i was bored at work so i decided to blog hop and i found this particular post.
i have nothing for or against natalie, i dont even know her so i will not comment on her, i jus think that that was rather mean la, especially the comments.
what im annoyed about really, is the comments that involved evonne and daniella, her friends. they did nothing wrong and had no relevance watsoever to this blogpost so why diss them? i saw that you defended them (in a way) so thats alright but yeah. i dont know daniella or natalie personally but evonne i do and i think shes a great person.
the junior from sri aman, whos that? im also from sri aman, evonnes and natalies junior. just want to know if i know her.
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